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Physics and retirement savings

Friday, February 19, 2016

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AHC's Peter Nicholas discusses how 'you don't get something out of nothing'.

There's an emotive and evocative song in the stage production "Wicked" that purports the possibility of defying gravity.

A fanciful concept but fabulous in the context of this magical musical. Yet with researchers recently proving the existence of gravitational waves, a ripple in the fabric of the space-time continuum, what else is possible with physics?

My personal favourite physics concept is that every system tends towards a state of minimum enthalpy (energy) and maximum entropy (randomness).

Not only does this entirely explain the teenage bedroom but it also has pithy lessons for retirement savings. Simply put, you don't get something out of nothing and you don't get order out of chaos.

The very concept that a member can do nothing and get the retirement outcome they want is as fanciful as defying gravity.

This is where physics helps, through the principles of aerodynamics.

There are three basic laws of aerodynamics: thrust that moves an airplane forward; drag which holds it back and lift which keeps it airborne.

Our challenge, in the context of helping members prepare for their retirement, is to overcome the drag that exists (often apathy, inertia or denial) by applying thrust and lift.

Thrust comes in the form of engagement. Making the connection with the member that: doing something is better than doing nothing; acting now is better than acting in the future; and having a goal is better than drifting.

Essentially this requires communication that connects. A burst of energy to break the drag of apathy, inertia and denial, specific to the needs of the member.

The message must be segmented, personalised and customisable, delivered through the right channel, using the right medium at the right time.

Lift comes in the form of continuous guidance and support along the member journey. We need to be the "wind beneath their wings".

No matter where they are on their personal journey, at any moment in time, the right communication with the right message, delivered via the right channel can maintain the flight path.

Again this requires segmentation, personalisation and customisation of message.

Remember you don't get something out of nothing and you don't get order out of chaos. All too few member communications plans utilise the powerful principles of physics.

They don't address the inherent drag of member interest and thus lack the specific thrust and lift required to deliver good member outcomes. Learning the words to "Defying Gravity" simply won't prove the theory.

Peter Nicholas, CEO, AHC.